梁萬斯 小傳

香港藝術家、攝影家。在香港長大。八十年代旅居加拿大,經營商業人像攝影。九十年代回港工作,業餘時間從事攝影及視覺藝術創作工作。現為英國皇家攝影學會ARPS會員,加拿大專業攝影師會會員,並獲頒授十一項專業攝影資格証書。香港(中國)新聞出版社委任為圖片編輯顧問。 早期作品曾獲多個攝影比賽獎項,包括香港及中國全國公開攝影比賽、尼康相機國際攝影比賽、日本愛普生彩色數碼影像比賽,及加拿大專業攝影展。獲中國藝術攝影學會評為「中國優秀攝影家」,中國人像攝影學會評為「中國人像攝影名師」。作品曾入選「2005香港藝術雙年展」及「2007亞洲藝術雙年展」,並為國立台灣美術館, 香港文化博物館,藝術畫廊, 機構及個人收藏。


1984-1985 年度入選尼康相機國際攝影比賽(彩照組)。

1985 年入選香港公開攝影比賽(黑白組冠軍)。

1987 年紀實作品“籠屋老人”組照在香港“松柏之聲”月報發表。

1992 年作品入選亞爾伯達省及加拿大專業攝影師協會作品展覽。

1993-1997 年間獲加拿大專業攝影師會頒共十一項專業攝影資格證書。

2001 年作品入選中國第十屆全國人像攝影藝術展覽(紀實類)。

2002 年至2004年獲中國藝術攝影學會評為“中國優秀攝影家”。

2004 年作品入選日本愛普生國際數碼攝影比賽。

2005 年獲中國人像攝影學會評為“中國人像攝影名家”。

2005 年作品入選「2005香港藝術雙年展」。

2007 年作品被邀在「2007亞洲藝術雙年展」展出。

2011 年被委任為【香港畫報】出版「尋找香港攝影文化」專輯項目策劃人、藝術顧問及編輯。

Biography of Bendick Leung

Leung is a Hong Kong artist and photographer. In the 80s, Leung operated a commercial portrait photography studio in Canada. Leung returned Hong Kong in the 90s to continue his pursuit of photography and visual art creations. Leung is member of the Royal Photography Society with ARPS title and member of the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) with 11 accreditations. He is appointed the editorial advisor of photography of the HK News Publishing (China). In his early days, Leung won many photography competition awards in Hong Kong, China, Canada and Japan. Leung was awarded the title of "the Best China Photographer" by the China Photographic Arts Society and the title of "Master Portrait Photographer of China" by the China Portrait Photography Society. Leung’s works were exhibited in the "2005 Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition", and the "2007 Asia Art Biennial Exhibition". Leung’s works are collected by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, art gallery, firms and personal art collectors.

Major Achievements

1984-1985 Nikon Camera International Photo Contest - honourable mention (color photo)

1985 Hong Kong Open Photo Contest - first prize (b / w photo) 1987 Photo-journal "the cage people" published in news paper for the elder citizen

1992 Alberta Professional Photographers Association Exhibition, and Professional Photographers of Canada Exhibition - honourable mention

1993-1997 Professional Photographers of Canada - accreditation in 10 professional categories.

2001 China Portrait Photography Society Exhibition - honourable mention (documentary).

2002-2004 China Photographic Arts Society - "Best Photographer of China" title.

2004 Epson Japan International Digital Photo Contest - honourable mention.

2005 China Portrait Photography Society - "hall of fame listed portrait photographer".

2005 Exhibitor of "the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition".

2007 Exhibitor of "the Asia Art Biennial Exhibition".

2011 Project owner, art director and editor of the publication project "In Search of the Hong Kong Photographic Culture" 4 Special Issues of the Hong Kong Pictorial Magazine.

「展 轉 集」源 於 「展 轉 反 側」

「展 轉 反 側」形容因心事重重而翻來覆去,或有所思念而不得安眠。(出處:三國志˙卷六十˙吳書˙周魴傳:每獨矯首回顧,未嘗不寤寐勞歎,展轉反側也。亦作輾轉反側、轉輾反側。)「展 轉 集」就是要重覆地思考過去的創作成果,藉以「推 陳 出 新」。(出處:明史‧范濟傳:嚴偽造之條,開倒換之法,推陳出新,無耗無阻。)
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